Does it annoy you when companies don't show the internals of electronics ?

I noticed that merrill audio and mcintosh general don't show all the internals of their electronics. A friend of mine actually asked merrill to see pics of the internals of their amps and pres. The remark from merrill... 'people listen to how they sound they don't look at whats inside.'

But why hide it? Are they trying to protect some secrets of their tech? Might as well just show it... if you have dones something truly exceptional people will appreciate that and its going to be that easy to rip off.

Showing 10 responses by oldhvymec

WOW. that is beautiful. plain and simple.. WOW, a second time..

Man oh man... Truly ART!!

I was looking for a couple of my analog Remote boxes. LOL They makes my V12s look like a Yo Yo they are so simple in comparison.  A LOT closer to Georges Point to Point.. Maybe three times that amount of wiring.. For an Analog Drill rig monitor.. BUT pure ART.... German by design.. Crafted by ME... I had 7500 hours logged on building them.. Been a while now..

LOL what are they gonna hide.. This is not a missile guidance system..

What do you think is in there to hide to begin with.. Nothing that already wasn't  done 40 years ago.. Maybe better class Ds and of course DACs with their 100.00 worth of part and someone's programing to make it work..  Gen 33.3 by now, right?  It's just software.. What are we paying for again? Remind me, did I forget something?

Soldered up in whatever country, and delivered here to be put together.


It’s simple for me. If I open up a box and it looks a PIGSTY. It goes back.. That mess George had pics of. Looked close to ALL my Carys. Just a LAZY, sloppy, layout.. It took me a few dives into their V12s and SixPacs. I couldn’t sell something looking like THAT inside.. I still have a few wires to R&R, shorten and lengthen. Any mods I do, there are chassis notes left inside for the next guy..

The SixPacs had all kinds of upgrades behind the BAD original lay out. Moving chokes, adding additional smoothing on the PS (add a .22 cap)
Hecfreds swap, and of course cap (copper and foil) and good vishay resistors. Looks like an index inside with all the changes AND notes..

I’ve cleaned up a few boxes looking like a rats nest BUT sounded OK.. I have yet to make one sound worse. The important thing I FELT BETTER, and ALWAYS look clean and trimmed when I was done.

Look inside Decware.. Now you know what "I care" looks like.

A lot of the simple designs just DON’T need schemos.. Look at Carys, I can’t think of a simpler layout.. I don’t need a schemo.. Maybe a few voltage settings.. BUT I can get pretty close, blindfolded, with a stick analog meter for the blind.. or a "voiced" DMM (it talks to ya) for 50.00 from Parts Express.

Make your own Schematics..

Keep the wires short.. Watch where and HOW you mount stuff, a twist here and there, a, relocate here or there, will work wonders for noise problems..AND LOOK better.. :-)

I’m no EE but this stuff just isn’t that NEW or that hard to figure out..
Look inside a Pass.. ANY PASS design.. pretty friggin’ simple.. AND Sound good, Real GOOD.. Why leave it messy, Pass sure doesn’t.
And you get a schemo.. :-) First Watt use to sell the parts and a schemo to build one, so will Decware.

I wonder what a bench Tech at Mcintosh factory makes a year? Now you know why I became a HD hydraulic field mechanic. Baby needs a new pair of shoes, not flip flops...:-)

Think Steampunk, Ka plunk.. OUT side the box, Mate..

Depends on what floats your boat.. I like flowers to, and a fine figured lady. I don't want one BUTT cheek bigger than the other. NO Amego!  :-)

BUT there is something about a GREAT wiring layout. It’s all routed secured and will work for the next 100 years because of the care putting it together.. There is some serious Artist out there.. look at that PIC George had.. Geez.. I don’t know what that cost.. A FORTUNE...

I like ORDER, symmetry, Screw slot alignment.. Especially in the middle of chaos. I’m PICKY...REALLY picky... :-)

pbnaudio1,596 posts

That is some serious coin. For a SS amp.. with logic boards. No thanks..
That alone would turn me off for that type of money.. As far a ART, not to impressive..
Sound wise, I'm sure it's just wonderful..

So did VMPS. Point to Point.. They Never changed that part. BUT the 6 db XO went to a 12 db Quasi second order.. Ser/Par design.. You’ll see a design change, it’s the nature of a better design with Quasi Second order.. Easier to trim the mids and tweeter left to right, and mids to highs..
Hand made inductor trim...or decoil a flat coil inductor to trim.. Maybe, we’ll see..

Not at the current price though... Those business models WEAR you out... Need to get out before your WORE out.. Dedicated those guys, for sure.. I’m glad I’m retired, and could retire.

Inspecting speaker cabinets for flaws? I’d be to picky.. They would have to get the ol poly dip. Then this, then that.. Drive me nuttier..:-) Employees, bla, bla, bla..

Time to feed the chickens.. Chicken coops are a little easier to design anyways.. And a heck of a lot easier to make happy.. FOOD, SCRATCH...

This is ART. 2.2 million

From a person that loves beautiful things, ME.

I think I’ll order up a couple for the weekend palace in Dubai.

Sultan OldHvyMec. Bring my magic carpet around to rear entrance, my kingdom is waiting..

That me no clue.. 39K - 49K for a SS.. LOL. You’re out of your mind.. plain and simple.. I know EXACTLY what I was looking at..

10k max.. For the pair.. Sorry. to hurt your feelings.. I’d take a Pass any day at what 1/8, 1/5 the price.. GET REAL... like paying 5-20K for cables.. just a friggin’ joke.. Good lord.. I have to look myself in the mirror in the morning.. 49k for an amp..

George had a nice pic of a point to point..Yours looks BIG, clumsy, thick.. Sorry.. it may be complicated, sound wonderful, but ART, visually it is NOT... Reminds me of older VTL.. the same BIG clumsy, gaudy look.

I owned Sumos.. LOL, I’ll bet close in design.. fully differential analog. WAY ahead of its time.. I paid 5K for a hand made Preamp and dual monoblocks.. Gaudy as all heck.. Sounded better than any thing I’d ever heard..
James B swore by them.. Ampzilla.. He modded mine.. 2K.... 7K total.. 15 years ago. 49K for an amp.. NO....

BUT I’m sure it sound good.. Kinda like the homely little lady that won the singing competition, I couldn’t look and listen.. she was to darn ugly to tell the truth..

Just like my cousin Ed.. Kinda thick.. Like your amps.. have I pissed off the Pope yet? LOL.. I’m just kidding, kinda. :-) They are just fine.. but that price, Zowee.. What is it German, it can’t be Italian, they are outward artist, ALL the way? They BOTH love the HUGE price tags, just one is Art, one is a Super Tiger Tank is ART?   LOL I don't think so..

Master mahgister, "I’ve sat on this rock so long I have calluses on my butt." and I still can’t hear the difference..

MM replies, "listen peanut brain.. Mouth shut, ears open.. less talk, more though.."

Tap Tap Samba! :-) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< That's all me...

Point to point.. NO LOGIC BOARDS.. point to point.. There are hybrids too.  EX: VTL  The transformers are wired point to point and the valves are laid out on a heavy trace IC. The new MC275 have PtP on the valves but ICs on the power supply and preamp circuits. Just depends.

When it's done right it looks right and is quiet by design. Short wire legs, good wire, good solder, good parts.. Sounds like a country song.

I like First Watt too. full of WIMAs.. full!! nice lay out though..
