Does Having the Turntable Grounded Through the Right RCA Effect Sound Quality?

I have a Thorens TD-160MKII (that I've posted about before). Does the way Thorens (and some other makers) ground through the right channel have a negative effect on sound quality? What's the advantage/disadvantage? And why do most makers seem to do it the other way with the connection going to a separate terminal on the preamp?




Showing 2 responses by dtgarf

@cleeds, yes. You understood what I was asking. I was specifically asking about certain turntables that have a grounding scheme that uses the negative on the right channel on the RCA connection, rather than through a terminal on the preamp. Thorens, Dual and some Rega  models (maybe?) are like this. I had read some place that changing from this scheme to the more common one can have positive results on the clarity and quality.

Sorry if I wasn't clear with how I worded it.

Now that that's cleared up, does anyone have any thoughts on it?

Great. Thanks for the reply, @lewm. 

Here's another one: Could grounding the "Thorens" way through the right channel cause the right channel to be a hair quieter? Like, can it cause a little signal loss?
