Does Equipment Break In, or Does Our Hearing Adjust?

I’ve read many comments about how the sound quality of equipment improves after so many hours of use.  I don’t doubt what people are saying.

About a year ago, my wife and I were tired of not being able to hear dialog while watching TV.  Especially when there was background music or noise, we had a hard time hearing dialog.  Turning up the sound helped, but not very much.  The sound of the TV sounded normal to other people visiting us.

We bought a Zvox sound bar.  Setting it up, we could hear the dialog, but it sounded very tinny, almost irritating.  But that disadvantage was outweighed by being able to watch TV and hear what was being said.

Now, a year later, we can still hear the dialog, BUT, it doesn’t sound tinny anymore.  The voices sound normal, like people we talk to in real life.  It’s not irritating in the slightest.  This happened gradually over a year, so we didn’t notice it until we thought back to what it first sounded like.

My impression is that our hearing adjusted or became used to the new tinny sound.    Or, maybe the sound bar broke in to sound normal. But if it broke in to sound more like normal, I would have thought that it would lose the special effects that enabled us to hear it better.

Or even, maybe it was a bit of both?  Any thoughts?


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Does Equipment Break In, or Does Our Hearing Adjust?


Both, yes.

No simple clarity for the linear minded who project the idea of being safe via the filter of the animal mind's demands, I'm afraid.

Like Jung said, "Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge.

Which is how we ended up with 'negative proofers' getting involved in science and polluting it with powerful mental demands for certainty. Where certainty does not exist in things that have unknowns and things not yet well understood.

The argument is not about logic, it's about mental design/function and projections. It's not about science, it's about how some minds project science to be, via fiat of desire, via projection of unthinking force. That problem child (literally!) is the animal in the human, making safety and surety demands.

Sorry, science does not work that way.

But engineering does!... as engineering was designed from the ground up to deal with this mass problem of the bulk of how humans filter/color through/via their minds.

So when you find someone demanding that it's all junk and people are just hearing things and break in and so on is not real, it's an 'animal level anti-science human animal wants to be safe' projection.

One has to wrestle that projection to the ground, openly, and in enough completeness... that it begins to actually shut up and let the rest of us get on with explorations in science.