Does Avalon speakers have a house sound?

If so, how would you describe it?

I heard someone describing them as "a litle brittle in the highs and thin in the mids". Is that so?

Showing 13 responses by bo1972

Avalon will Always keep there own sound. This is what makes them different and who they are. There are enough lovers. Often Avalon owners buy an Avalon the next time they buy a new speaker. Would be stuppid to change there sound!
The outside is often stunning, inside you cannot see a thing. I met a person who owned the Diamonds. He opened the inside to look at there crossovers. He said; I was surprised about the simple parts they use. It was difficult for him to put it back in place. What I said earlier; a violin sounds a lot different in real compared to the way it sounds with Avalon speakers.
Avalon speakers have definitely there own sound and they sound different to any other brand. The stage is wide and deep. But with amp's and cables you still can influence the stage and even sound. Like the sound, these parts are all a personal matter. I sold them for over 6 years. High's of the older can sound a little harsh. It also has to do with older technique and tweeters with a less high freq. respons. The newer Avalon sounds less harsh in the high freq. A friend of mine had a small concertroom with a Steinway wing. He gave classical concerts in intimate settings. I never liked the sound of a violin played on a Avalon compared to the sound in real. I Always found them to clinical. In real they have a lot more body and overwhole warm sound. The thing I dislike most on Avalon speakers is that individual focus of instruments and voices is in real a lot more touchable and direct to point out. This is only my point of view.
It was one of the most unique persons I met in audio. He stripped even a pair of Nautilus 802 speakers and made an external filterbox for it. The results were stunning. A friend of mine had the Avalon Eclipse improved version. He also plays with the Platinum PL-200 of Monitor Audio now. It blow away the Avalon speakers in every aspect. This speaker also has a deep and wide stage same as the Avalon's. But instruments and voices are within this square so much more palpable. Like in real. A friend of mine also plays with Avalon and has many parts the same as I have. Compared to the Pl-200 it is less touchable. Timing of the Pl-200 is superior to all the Avalon speakers I heard.
Often Avalon owners use tubes to make the sound warmer. ( coulor it more) Some don't like this at all. But don't forget at the end it is Always about a personal matter.

About details: These days I use a Onkyo PR-SC5509 preamp processor with Audyssey Pro. I measure at total different places and hights compared to the Audyssey way. There way is ok, but was not that concincing. I have done many many tests with it. Now I can get more details out of recordings than almost any other pre amp. You hear words endings nog with ease. Ending on sssss or tttt or th. You even hear breathing on recordings you thought you knew well. This year I was on a big audio show were I was the absolute sound. On monday I went with my own music listening to other expensive highend sets. There was a lot of details missing at all the sets I listened. Brethinh and words endings were gone. Even mu stage was wider and deeper than most. My 3-dimensional touchable image was superior to the average image of other expensive highend sets.
I owned the Pass Labs XP-20 for 2 years. Now I have a wider and deeper stage with the PR-SC5509. More dynamics and even more detail. Separation of voices and instruments is even beter. More touchable and loose from other parts of the recording.
They are not bad speakers. It is brand on his own. That is a good thing. I like brands who believe in there producs and always keep there own sound. The low freq I have are stunning and fast as a rocket. I used the nordost Valhalla for over 12 years. At the time it came out it was something new and extremly fast. Now I play with the Audioquest Redwood 2013 version. This one is even better in timing and speed compared to the Valhalla.
Which amp, pre amp, source and cables did they use for the demo? Because this is very important also how deep the stage will be. I play now about 4-5 metres behind and even more than one metre beside. This makes the stage very big. Instruments and voices are very loose from eachother. I did many tests to hear how I can adapt the stage like I wanted it to be.
Real music gives you a focus as it should sound. I am a perfectionist and good never will be good enough. Comparing and hearing gives you a lot of information how to deal with it. Many music lovers do not have the knowledge how it should be. Those who know how it should sound do not know how to get it with audio stuff. In 2005-2006 I visited many audiophile people with sets from 10.000 euro till 150.000 euro. Seldom there is a good balance between the equipment. They all make many misstakes and there often are not happy with there set. The main problem is that most cannot listen in a few seconds to all the parts you Judge a system for. They often focus on one part with which they are not happy. Wenn they solve this, often after some time there is a new issue. People often do not know the properties of cables, amps, speakers etc. This is what you have to learn to understand it. I work en think in properties. I use the properties of stuff to make those changements which are needed. Many audiophiles buy parts which are tested well. This doens't make any sense. Audio is al about making the right combinations. Wenn clients send an email with all there stuff I often see the misstakes they make. I send them an email back and try to explain why it wil not work. I always use the properties to explain why it causses problems.
In comparison of the last and improved Eclipse to the Monitor Audio Pl-200. The Pl-200 blow away the Eclispe with ease. It was superior in every single part you Judge a speaker for. Time and technique goes on. These days it is more easy and cheaper to get a 3-dimensional image like you can get with the best highend in the past. Still there are many people who spend a lot of money on audio for only a 2-dimensional image. This is caused by the poor knowledge of the peole who buy it. But also caused by the shops who sell it. I was amazed that many shopkeepers were stunned by my 3-dimensional image at the show. Wenn I asked them which amps they sell? They have many 2-dimensional amps for sale. So wenn people do not get the right information they still spend too much money on only 2-dimensional audio. It is that simple!
In the past I owned much more expensive stuff than these days. Because my goal was to get a higher level in sound for more people. So I bought less expensive stuff to see how far I can get. To be unnest I never thought I could top many stuff with prices which are a lot higher. Brands sometimes want people to believe that some brands fitts better with there stuff. Like MIT and Avalon. I think this is based on nothing. Why? because with the latest Audioquest even Avalon sounds a lot better than with all the MIT cables which I heard and autioned many many times. Avalon sets a deep and wide stage. But you still need a sharp as a knife individual focus of voices and instruments. Wenn you use MIT instruments and voices both arr never sharp focussed as in real. With Audioquest connected to Avalon I got superior better focus as in real.Still I do not get the sharpness I want. A 3-dimensional image is very easy to understand for people wenn you have a system which can easily persuade and convince. After hearing this you use a 2-dimensional sound. I have to admitt that people say to me that they understand me exactly after hearing my demo. Then my words become very clear and simple to understand. Monitor Audio is the only brand I know to date which all speakers can give a deep and wide stage. This is based on there crossovers. Wenn you use an amp which can give a deep and wide stage it becomes clear how much better they to this job comared to there competitors. The problem is that many shops use only 2-dimensional amps with all there speakers. Then you never know. Monitor Audio England said after hearing my demo: we never heard a demo this good. The reason is very simple. And they admitt; they use amps which are not capable of giving the same level in depth and wide as you do. So I said to them; you limit yourself in most of your shows all the time. For me it is difficult to understand why they choose for a show were the level is that much lower. I wanted to be on that show only to be the best. Only reason why I wanted to be there. So I succeed.
" We live in the 21st Century....Self Promotion is NOT a characteristic that is admired or considered credible. BOL.....Cmon Man!"

Words can be read differently. What is the reason why you use the words you write. At the end it is just about opening people there eyes and ears. Maybe you think it is about me, but it ain't. I am not a genius or God in hifi. Audio is only dead material which can play the music you love and want. My favorite thing in live is music. Emotion is in the music. The best audio set can play the best recording in the world of music you really don't like. There will be no emotion or feeling at all. But a well balanced audio set can improve the feelings of emotion of your favorite personal music. I want other people to get the best emotional feeling with there music. That is the main goal and why I do this work. A deep and wide stage makes listening to music so much more appealing than most 2-dimensional sound of many sets. It is measurable in the smile it gives on other people there faces wenn you have a 3-dimensional image. Voices and instruments are very direct and small in proportion in real. I call this intimate sound. Like the feeling classical live music gave to me. I was pulled to a voice like a magnet. I closed my eyes and I knew were she was. She was in front of me, so small and direct. She took al my attention. This part I Always want in every set I sell. Because it improves the emotional experience it can give. It places me closer to the music and singer. I want to give other people the best emotional feeling with there own music. I try to let people hear the difference in how there music can be played by an audio set. What are the differences and what does it do to your personal feelings. Many people sell to make as much money as they can. What I said earlier; many people with extreme expensive sets play at a much lower level than what could be possible for the money they spend. Sometimes I met people with sets from about 100.000 euro and the end results were so poor. Almost no depth, no controle in the low freq. And even voices and instruments which were poor foccused and too big in proportion. A good balanced system will give you more emotion at the times you play your beloved music. Wenn you use it well it is one of the best emotions you can create.

just call me Bobby