Does anyone use white gloves to handle records?

Just thought I'd ask if there is much benefit. I know oil from my fingers will touch the edge and some of it will migrate a little inside. I also see the extra hassle of keeping them stored away from dust each and every time. Also how hard is it to manipulate cleaning the record and taking it in and out of the sleave?  What white gloves wouldn't impart any flake off particulates? Just bored here members.  Lets be respectful. Anyway let's hear your opinions

Showing 3 responses by boxer12

LOL,However if you did that at my house you would want to wear a bullet proof vest as well.  

" A good idea and one which we have utilized over 40 years is to cut a small square of clean, soft and non-abrasive white paper. Use this square of paper between your fingers on both edges of the disc when removing and replacing the disc in its inner sleeve or bag"

I'm thinking that article should be renamed... Perhaps "How to make vinyl a bigger PITA than it already is" 
No gloves. I've owned some of my records for 40 years & it apparently hasn't harmed them. I'm with folkfreak on this as I'd also be concerned about dropping one.