Does anyone play two pairs of speakers at the same time?

I have found that certain combinations of speaker pairs produce a better sound than the single pair alone. For example: Klipsch Quartets and PSB Image 4T (new tweeters from Vifa) Quartets inside pair and volume matched to PSBs. I have done this over the years and found some great combinations.
i have 4 speakers from the '4 chanell' days so i use all 4 in my 2 chanell system!!!
Why stop at four, one of my systems has 15 speakers and four subs. I even have a special name for that system. Home theater room. Sounds wonderful. Lol
I run a pair of AR3's horizontally stacked with a pair of AR3a's. The 3's are driving by a McIntosh MC2300, the 3a's a Mc MC2105. Both amps are fed into a Mc C22(original, not reissue) preamp(with Y IC's), and the preamp is connected to a McIntosh CR7 remote which is how the overall system volume is controlled. Doing this because I have the gear lying around and no place to set up a second system, but more to the point it sounds better. A lot better. In every way. And yes, it sounds excellent using just one amp to drive either pair of speakers. I pay little attention to so called experts on stuff like this because at 64, having been involved in audio since I was 15, and listening to and owning all kinds of gear, I trust my ears with harmless stuff like this. Works for me.
Like the hippies used to say, "if it feels good do it."  Note: that doesn't apply to scratching mosquito bites.  But as for me I prefer a single pair of the best speakers I can build.
If I was down to one pair of speakers I'd do the same. But I have multiple speakers and multiple amps that I love, and only room for one system at this time. I'd rather use them then let them just sit in a closet. I'd sell them  but nobody is buying these days. At least for not what I'm asking, so I use them instead.