Does anyone play two pairs of speakers at the same time?

I have found that certain combinations of speaker pairs produce a better sound than the single pair alone. For example: Klipsch Quartets and PSB Image 4T (new tweeters from Vifa) Quartets inside pair and volume matched to PSBs. I have done this over the years and found some great combinations.

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In the 1970's, I ran stacked Advents with a Phase Linear 400.  Later, I ran stacked B&W DM14's with this amp, and later with Audire electronics.  Eventually, I had some Acoustat electeostatic panels which I paired with the DM'14's.  All were good in their time period, but now I use B&W 803's, interestingly stacked on my 10" subs that I drove with a second Audire amp and preamp, until recently, when a botched repair, a shorting accident killed my electronics.  I am searching for an Audire Diffet 3 (maybe Diffet 2) and Audire Forte or better to pair with my Bryston amp and preamp.  Anyone?