Does anyone know if Michael Farnsworth, founder of Talon Audio, is still around?

I have some questions about the MKII crossover upgrade for the Khorus X.


The one thing I don’t need to do is reinforce the box. These things are, if anything, over-engineered to a ridiculous degree. I damned near killed myself just getting the speakers down two flights of stairs and into the home theater :)

I’ll definitely be redoing the internal wiring. I just need to do it without breaking the bank. Any recommendations on wire are appreciated. @millercarbon put in a vote for Synergistic Research, and I’ve also had great luck in the past with Analysis Plus.

Cardas sells some excellent wire and may even provide some advice. They also gave great solder.  

I couldn't agree more. The Khorus Does do A Lot right.
I absolutely love mine, and they are the original first generation.
They sing !

Anybody know how I can contact Michael. I have a very early pair of Khorus speakers from the 1990s and would like to discuss them with him.

I'm waiting to hear back from him if he's OK with me handing out his email.