Does anyone have the new VAC Phi 300 amplifier?

If so, I'm very interested in your impressions and associated equipment.


Showing 4 responses by vac_man

I am expecting to receive a Phi 300 this week. It will replace a VAC Ren Sig 70/70 (VAC made less than 30 of them), which has been a fantastic amp. I'll use it with a VAC Ren Sig Mk II preamp, and it will drive Verity Audio Lohengrin speakers. I'll let you know how it compares to the Ren Sig 70/70 as soon as I have had a chance to listen to it. By the way, know anyone who would be interested in an immaculate Ren Sig 70/70 that has just come back from VAC?
Fplanner2000, I received the Phi 300 on Fri, April 21, unpacked it on Saturday and then set it up on Sunday. I ran it for 12 hours, and then this past weekend, I ran it for another 20-25 hours. So I have about 35 hours of time on it, which is far too little to give a meaningful assessment (150-200 hours of break-in is really needed).

I plan to report on it further when it is further along in the break-in process, but my preliminary reactions are: (1) it is extremely fast, (2) it handles bass better than any solid-state amp I have ever heard, and (3) its ability to project a holographic soundstage is developing as the break-in progresses. My Ren Sig 70/70 delivered a beautifully layered holographic soundstage, and I would expect the Phi 300 to equal if not exceed that. Where the Phi 300 will better the 70/70, though, is in the transient attacks and in the ability to handle lower bass. My speakers are the Verity Lohengrins, which are very fast and which can handle lower bass down to 15 Hz before rolling off.

I think the Phi 300 is going to be an exceptional performer once it is fully broken in. I'll report on it in another few weeks or so after I have 100 hours on it. So far, though, I am very pleased with it, and based on what I have heard to date in the early break-in process, I suspect that Kevin Hayes has every reason to be truly excited about this product.

If you are in the NY metro area and want to listen to it, just let me know.
I have posted a review of the Phi 300 here on Audiogon at Sorry that it took so long, but I wanted to make sure that the amp had enough playing time for a meaningful evaluation.

How is the 300.1 sounding after 70 hours? My experience with the 300 was that the bass and the holographic imaging and soundstage really improved dramatically after about 60 or 70 hours. Just curious as to whether you are experiencing the same. Now you appreciate first hand why it is such an awesome amp.