Does anyone have the new VAC Phi 300 amplifier?

If so, I'm very interested in your impressions and associated equipment.


Showing 1 response by mfontana

I've had mine a little over a month and couldn't be happier. My speakers the VR 5 SE's are a little hard to drive on the bottom end. My previous amp the Phi 110 although great with the mids and high's fell short with the low end. I added a Spectron amp to drive the bottoms and that helped. I then knew what my speakers could do. Being a big fan of Vac, (I also have the Renaissance Signature Mk II pre.) I had to order the 300.1, The threads on this subject and speaking with Kevin also helped sway me. Right out of the box everything sounded great, the low end is as good or better than the Spectron's and the sound just keeps improving. Has anyone tried any different tubes or setting's? I have only used the 8 ohm tap and the Ultra Linear mode, I am waiting for it to fully break in before I try any changes.