Does anyone have the new VAC Phi 300 amplifier?

If so, I'm very interested in your impressions and associated equipment.


Showing 15 responses by fplanner2000

Fjn04: It's Kevin's newest, state-of-the art Amp and is supposed to be incredible. I'm not sure that it "replaces" anything, however. That would probably be a subjective call. I know its been shipping 2-3 weeks now and I'd really like to hear from someone who's got one (if they're not too busy listening to the music.........)

Hifimaniac: Thanks for the response. I've never heard Kevin really "gush" about anything and he was like a little kid describing this new amp. I also have the Phi 2.0 preamp, Velodyne DD-15, Billy Bags rack and Sistrum amp stand. Using WHisper Legacy speakers, VD Revelation cabling and combination of Elrod Statement PCs on amp (DNA-500) and EG Epiphany X on sources (APL-modded 3910)(Sansui modded TU-9900). No vinyl (I'd be broke!!)

Thanks again for the responses - hopefully as others acquire this new amp, they will weigh in here.
Vac_man: Wow! I REALLY appreciate the early report. Please continue to keep us in the loop as the break-in continues. Thanks again.
Maril555: WRONG THREAD!!
Henryhk: It is listed under the VAC Phi line. In fact, its the first piece of gear in that category.
Thank you Vac_man for an excellent review. You seem to be empirically confirming the exact same feelings I got from Kevin Hayes when I enquired about this amp. As you know, he is very modest about his products, but he also mentioned the word "revolutionary" in our conversations. That definitely got my attention, as did your insightful review. It is definitely making it tougher for me not to pull the trigger on one, especially since I already have the Phi 2.0 preamp, which I love.

Other Phi 300 amp owners, please chime in with your own opinions of this new amp. Thanks again vac_man for a really in-depth review. I am definitely jealous at this point.
Dlanselm: Thanks for your insights. Sounds like you are quite pleased. I know its a great looking amp as well - you might want to add a pic to your system when you get the chance. I appreciate your sharing your opinion on what sounds like a really great amp (altho I have yet to hear one). How long have you had it and how long was your break-in period?

Thanks and enjoy your system!
Finally got an unbroken 300.1 (fedex ground broke the first 1 and then denied the claim - beware)and I love it so far (2 days). I put a few early impressions on my system site. Thanks very much to all who contributed to this thread.
So far, at about 70 hours, I am amazed at how much better my system sounds than with my prior amp, the McC DNA-500. The bass is actually a little deeper, a little faster and much more palpable than before. If I wasn't hearing it, I wouldn't believe it, since the DNA-500 is excellent in that area. My speakers are Legacy Whispers, with lots of bass drivers and relatively efficient(94). As far as mids and highs are concerned, there is a much greater sense of air around the instruments and much better imaging as well as depth of soundstage. To summarize so far - very fast, incredible bass reproduction, natural decay to instruments and voices - no coloration at all - you just hear the music as it was meant to be heard. This amp sounds like it is in a league of its own and its still not hardly broken in yet!(no, I haven't heard every amp and have no desire to hear others at this point). I can now better appreciate why Kevin was so enthusiastic in discussing the Phi 300 last year - he has really designed a great amp. I will post more impressions as the 300.1 breaks in.
I am using the 8 ohm taps and UL mode.
Vac_man - Ive been out of town a lot over the past 7 weeks or so dealing with a family emergency and have been "unplugging" my system so the dog-sitters don't try to even touch my audio gear (if it doesn't lite up, there's no temptation to play with it, right?). Consequently, I haven't had much of an opportunity to break-in the amp. It seems I am always playing catch-up as it starts to get really nice and then its time to leave town again. Hopefully this traveling will let up soon so that I can spend some more time listening and enjoying. I will say that the bass has been very impressive so far, even with all the interruptions of the power supply. I'll be able to post additional impressions hopefully by month's end.
I've now had some time to break in my 300.1 and I am very impressed. In a nutshell, it just does everything extremely well. Its the most revealing, dynamic and musical amp I've ever heard. I haven't been able to hear what the amp and my gear can REALLY do due to the limitations of my prior speakers. That has recently changed, as I've sold my Whisper speakers and have a new pair of Von Schweickert VR-7SE's in my garage waiting to be uncrated and put into my system. Both Kevin at VAC and Albert at VS have agreed that this combination should be something very special, as they have sounded extremely well together at past shows in what can best be described as "challenging" rooms. I can't wait.......
Whats the latest on the 2 300.1s? I'm loving mine and with all components pretty well broken in, I'm in sonic nirvana.