Does Anyone Have Opinions RE: Castle Chester Spkrs

I have been working on improving my audio system for a while now. I have gone from a Home Theater based system to a simple two channel system based on an Acurus DIA-100 Mk II amplifier. I just ordered a Jolida JD100 CD Player (w/LEvel One Parts Connexion Mods. Interconects are a set of Van Den Hul "The First's" and I have cheap Prisma speaker cables. My speakers have been a borrowed set of PAradigm Studio 20's. Now, I have the chance to get a set of Castle Chesters for $600 Canadian. They appear in great shape, and I believe they will work well with my system. I had been willing to spend $1200 Canadaian for speakers, but purchasing the Castle Chesters will save me enough money for a really good set of speaker cables. Any thoughts on the Chester's or my system in general?