Does anyone else think that the Samsung plays music much better than the Apple?

While I know that Spotify isn't the best sound reproduction.  To me, Samsung sounds significantly better than Apple. 

Four years ago I fired Apple as my phone hardware and went with Samsung.  I got tired of Apple slow downs every time I updated my software.  Got the Samsung home and noticed that my music via Spotify sounded much better. 

Recently I had to fire Samsung.  I had a Note 9 and was trapped in a infinite do loop.  It continually wanted to update the software, via forced shutdowns.  The phone would reboot and go through the whole cycle again.  Found out that the phone doesn't support the new software and it was just going to keep doing that. 

So, I decided to give Apple another try.  Got it home hoping with all their hardware upgrades it would sound better than before and nope, very disappointed.

Showing 1 response by hoosierinohio

Very much appreciate the suggestions.  I have 4 systems in the house and this is for my screened porch, hanging out with the wife and letting her pick much of the music, passing the phone back and forth.  I was just amazed at how much difference there was in the sound and how much worse the Apple sounds.  I will definitely try the EQ settings, which I just changed to "jazz", per suggestion and will know this evening.  I'm guessing that the LG Velvet will soon find the fate of my Samsung and will no longer be supported, if my luck were to hold.