Does anybody own a Jeff Rowland Daemon Integrated Amp.?

I saw that this Integrated amp was rated at 1500 WPC and 2500 WPC in the class D mode. Does anybody have anymore info.?
A couple thoughts on this.....

It is well known that the Rowland class D gear has an exceptionally long break in period.  I suspect many of those who might be turned off by class D sound, either haven't listened to one of his current offerings, or have listened to a piece that isn't broken in.

That said, the amp which I believe is the bread and butter of current Rowland thinking, is the 625 S2 stereo amp which is 330watts of class A/AB power.  It is an extraordinary piece of gear.  

And yes, the chassis looks good, which is my bag.
The Class D may be at the output stage of this unit and we know the power is there but I question the "pre-amp section", how worthy is it..? Is it equal to a $15,000 or $25,000 or more separate pre-amp, transistor or tube.?
I wonder.?

Somebody can tell me if the deamon play better than my 925+corue+aeris and PSU. If it’s the case i don’t undesrtand the difference in the price???
Thank’s. Did you do the comparisions deamon vs 925+corus+aeris+PSU? Or you think that the technology of the deamon is less performant? Also i bought the innuos SE streamer with only usb output. Jeff Rowland say that the soun is better if we use SPDIF.  So i will probably buy the converter Berkeley alpha. Do you have an opinion about that?
Nb sorry for my bad english ( french canadian)