Does anybody own a Jeff Rowland Daemon Integrated Amp.?

I saw that this Integrated amp was rated at 1500 WPC and 2500 WPC in the class D mode. Does anybody have anymore info.?

Showing 2 responses by tdimler

A couple thoughts on this.....

It is well known that the Rowland class D gear has an exceptionally long break in period.  I suspect many of those who might be turned off by class D sound, either haven't listened to one of his current offerings, or have listened to a piece that isn't broken in.

That said, the amp which I believe is the bread and butter of current Rowland thinking, is the 625 S2 stereo amp which is 330watts of class A/AB power.  It is an extraordinary piece of gear.  

And yes, the chassis looks good, which is my bag.