Does Age Matter?

Having read and contributed to several threads on the digital vs analog controversy I developed a nagging itch that suggested it is older people that prefer analog and younger people digital. If this is the case than there is most definitely a nostalgic element to that opinion. Perhaps we can answer that question. I will go first. Please do not ruminate on the differences. Age and preference, digital, analog or both! We'll tally the results at the end. 

I am 67 and like Both analog and digital.

Showing 5 responses by chakster

Last month I assembled analog system for my 24 y.o. nephew and his beautiful wife. Micro Seiki DD turntable, MA-505 tonearm, Empire MI cartridge... They want vinyl, amazing! 
I’m 44 and I prefer analog, and most of my audio fellas are also into analog. We’re all use streaming to discover music to buy it on vinyl.

What is definitely for old people is CD format, very few people buying CDs nowadays (I don’t even know such people in my country), some people still have CDs purchased in the 90’s (I know some who still own CDs). When I read “CD” I’m thinking about 90’s, some people stuck in the 90’s in my opinion.
CD is old fashioned media format, not vinyl!

If old people are into CDs, Vinyl and Cassettes then younger people are into Vinyl and Streaming. This is what I think.

P.S. Enjoyed cassettes longer than CDs before Vinyl replaced everything for me. 
Reading the average age of audiogon posters I am not surprised, this is what I expected before.

Actually, it explains a lot to me when a conversation with some other audiogon members is like a conversation with a dad (because of the 25 years difference in age).

I am more surprised why my generation don’t use audiogon, but maybe the answer is what I wrote above?

Anyway, can you imagine that at the age of 70 you are not able to chat with 95 y.o. person here (to feel what I’m feeling). At this age it’s too late to arguing about something, people will never change their opinion.

I also realized why some great contributors disappeared from audiogon, maybe they are already dead :(

It looks like the audiogon is a place for pensioners?
What am I doing here ?

P.S. Stay strong and be healthy, I miss my dad who passed away 5 years ago (he was 71).

One thing I don’t understand, why people talking about digital like it’s something they do not have for free? 
You have to buy records and turntables, but digital is free even on your phone, streaming is free, there are so many sites anyone can find music for free (streaming in high quality, downloads if needed). Anyone can buy a DAC or even a portable DAC/headphone amp for very funny price. 
Digital cost nothing and all of us have it as a free bonus. If you prefer a fee bonus over real thing than who you are? 

You can’t sell digital the way you can sell analog (records). Anyone can copy your hard drive quickly.

Records cost money, shipping cost extra. Great records only getting more expensive. You can’t copy someone else’s record collection in one hour like you can do with anything digital. 

Collecting records is not about music on the background, it’s something else, and, as I can see, some people still don’t understand it. 

You can’t compare selection of tracks on Hard Drive to Real Record Collection!
Nothing can replace records. We can listen to digital, yes, so what?
The whole world is digital now, music is free in digital format, for most people it’s just something on background like radio. But not everyone is so lazy, record collecting was and always will be a hobby, a habit that you can’t get rid off, and it’s not just for music on background.

Even back in the day there was radio and records. Music on background provided by radio deejays from vinyl records was there (always), it was not necessary to buy records if you want just listen to something.

Streaming today is just like radio yesterday.

Discuss record collecting with people for whom radio is enough is a waste of time. It’s just completely different style. Vinyl is not about convenience, you need a room for it, time for it, money etc. But it’s about passion. When you have to pay for every record I think you will not buy some sh*t. But people can downloads tons of sh*t for free and they do (also stream it for free).