Does a tube need the break-in hours?

Most probably not, but not sure why :) 
Does anybody know a good substitution for 12AT7WA tubes? I have bought 8 of them about 10
years ago for Manley Stingray. Now, when I need a replacement, none of them are good
(ones are labeled by Manley others are Philipps). 
(An almost 20 years old Stingrey remains in a good shape.) 

Showing 1 response by gs5556

I wouldn't say they need to break in more that it's they need to be on through their infant mortality stage (first 50 hours or so). If there is anything off about the tube it will fail but after that the chances of living out its full two to ten thousand hours is greatly increased. That means  the tube is healthy and providing its best possible performance. 

I've had a tube preamp for over twenty years and could not tell the difference between a new tube and a "broken in" one after a 30 minute warmup. Same with my 2A3 amp, only that one sounds its best after the 2A3 has been hot for at least four hours, which I am loathe to do because I have the extremely rare RCA Cunningham single plate.