Does a Subwoofer Make Spiking Redundant?

I just added a REL T5/x to my system, and a question rises up from the depths of my ignorance: Does a subwoofer do the thing spiking speakers is supposed to do? Does a subwoofer make spikes redundant, or do they work at cross-purposes? If it's relevant, I've got the spikes on Herbie's Audio Lab puckies, on a (thinly) carpeted floor.

Showing 1 response by larry5729

lt would be fun to do a blind test with and without spikes.  Then demo the subwoofers without spikes and tell the listener they are listening to subwoofers with spikes how many would either hear the difference or because they were told they were listening to a subwoofer with spikes automatically convince themselves because they were told they were listening to subs with spikes they sounded better.  I call this the EMERORS NEW CLOTHS SYNDROME.