Does a record player make that much of a difference??

Question for all you Audionerds - in your experience, how much of a difference does one record player make over the next compared with the differences that a cartridge, phone pre-amp, and separate head amp make in the signal chain?

Reason I ask: I just upgraded from a MM cart to a MC cart (Dynavector 20x2-low output). Huge difference - the Dynavector sounds much more alive and detailed compared with the MM. I find my current record player (a Marantz TT16) to be a real pain to work with - I have to manually move the belt on the motor hub to change speeds, and the arm is not very adjustable or easy to do so. But, aside from that, it's not terrible. How much of a difference can I really expect if I upgrade to a better record spinner vs the change I heard from upgrading to a better cart? 

My next acquisition is a separate head amp to feed the phono stage.

Thanks for all your insights!



Showing 6 responses by rauliruegas

Dear @noromance  : " the turntable and its supporting structure has the most significant contribution to retrieval of the maximum amount of data from the grooves.  "


Key in your statement: " retrieval of the maximum amount of data from the grooves.  " "

look and think for a moment: even if the TT is not exactly precise on spining at 33.33 rpm or any other " condition " the RETRIAVAL amount information fromthe LP grooves ( rigth or wrong ) is the main target/responsability of the cartridge it's why cartridges exist along two other " items " tonearm and our care of that cartridge/tonearm set up.

Yes, with out the spining on TT nothing can happens but that's not the issue in your statement words. After the LP the " source " is the cartridge/transducer.

@terry9  posted that phono stage is first in importance order and makes sense in several ways because it's this electronics unit who has to proccess the cartrisge information but even that the SOURCE still is the cartridge and what surrounded LP/cartridge couple are its slaves, yes important " slaves " as a whole.





Dear @dogberry  : " Well I'm pretty sure some of these replies will have dissuaded the OP..."


I know that as always you are " behind " me to post that statement, no problem about and fine with me but as always too I post to help any one. Look:


my first post in the thread was asking for the OP listing system units to give him an advise but due that before he posted the thread  ha already had his answer then he not only ignore my post but ignored all the other posts by audiophiles that as me were trying to give some advise/help.

Yes, latter on I posted to him that his answer was and is wrong and at the end he said that he post just for " fun ".


Please read the OP posts and mines and come back and tell us what your common sense says Again, he ignored all the gentlemans posts here, he was not looking for advise or a kind of help.


What do you think?



Dear @joshindc  : " I just upgraded from a Grado Platinum MM to a Dynavector 20x2 ..."


It's obvious that as many of us you need to learn from other gentlemans that are not smarter that you but only have more experience than you.


Grado is not a MM cartridge. Try to find out by your self which kind of cartridge design has Grado. It's the way to learn.



@joshindc  : Well that's your porpose and cratinly no thread forum is to see who is more smarter.

For my understanding in analog we have LP's to listen through our ears not through our " eyes ".

I think that this forum is not just for FUN. Here already posted gentlemans that do not try to be " smarter " but truly experienced MUSIC lover(audiophiles trying in one way or the other to HELP not only to you but to any other audiophile intersted in the subject and nor mally  ( ate least me ) I post and read the thread post looking to learn and not for " fun " as is your target.


Only by " curiosity ": do you already took a " look " to the virtual systems of gentlemans that posted in your thread as: @mikelavigne ​​​@mijostyn @lewm @terry9   and others?


Well, just for FUN make you a favor and do it.


Dear @joshindc  : " I think the reason record-loving audiophiles put so much more attention and money on record players vs carts and phonostages is because there is more to look at. Not that there is anything wrong with wanting a cool looking turntable… "

Obviously that you are totally wrong and with al respect you have no idea what you are talking about but in the other side is that's what you think your OP thread has no sense because you already have the answer  ! ! ! 



Dear @joshindc : There are priorities/grades/item importance when " building " an audio system and for you can get good overall system alternatives to up-grade it you need to post which are the diferent system items you own and your MUSIC(sound preferences.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
