Does a listening room help or hinder?

I once had my office and my system in the same room. I did my work and listened while I worked(sounds like a Disney song). I heard lots of music. Before I had the music in my office, I had it in the living room.

Well, I got the idea that I needed a listening room, so I moved my desk and computer and put it in another room. Now, I have a listening room. It isn't pretty, but it is as functional as I can get it. It has room treatments galore. Some aren't very pretty, but all of it functional. I have one chair in it, plus a little table next to the chair to hold any drink I may have.

Lately, I put on some music and sit down. Sooner or later I have this urge to get up and go do something on the computer. Then I sit back. Soon, I get up again to get something in the kitchen. Then I sit back down again. It goes like this through the entire time the music is on.

Now I listen to music less than I did before. In fact, the music is on now, but I am in a separate room.

Where did I make the mistake? How can I fix this delima?
Bigjoe, to which hobby are you referring? Listening to your rig or listening to music? Or was that a Freudian slip?
Bob P.
Bob P

i see where your going with this,correct me if im wrong but are'nt the two one in the same & dependant of each other?

if it were'nt for OUR rigs none of us would even be here at all,i always thought that agon was a site devoted to the buying,selling,trading & understanding of high end audio.

so to answer your question as to weather i meant "listening to my rig" or "listening to music" i meant listening to my rig.

i cant speak for others but for me half the enjoyment i derive from the hobby is from the gear itself & yes the hobby i speak of is the gear.

I can neither listen to music for comprehension while reading (unless it's a libretto), nor read anything weighty while trying to listen critically to music. I guess some of us can do it, probably somebody who can play the pipe organ. I'm afraid I'm all one or the other.
I have 3 systems: listening room, bedroom, living room. Solves the problems!!
Bigjoe, and the other half of the enjoyment comes from what? BTW, I feel that "the rig" and "the music" are actually independent of each other. One is not necessary for the other, but whether listening to the rig or the music, one cannot do that at the same time as doing other tasks. The music, however, can be used as background sounds, but I don't see (hear?) how a rig can be used as background, except, maybe if white noise is being used.
Bob P.