Does a DAC need a large/strong power supply?

I see these inexpensive DACs on ASR that get great reviews, but people say they're not that good because of a weak power supply. Is this mostly true? Does a DAC sound better with an overkill power supply?


Showing 1 response by lordmelton

When someone first decides to get into Hi-End HIFI they are usually shocked by the prices. Well ASR plays up to this with you can get a $15k DAC for $150.00 and all cables sound the same and the like.

As others have said the only things you can trust are your ears and ASR completely discourages listening tests because they are

Yeah I would really enjoy listing to a cheap a$$ DAC with terrific specs rather than a DAC packed full of world class components that measures like a donkey’s hind leg but sounds divine.

Please remember tube amps normally have around 1.5% distortion but most people love them, so the tiny amount of DAC distortions being measured are irrelevant if you’re running tubes or even SS for that matter.

And in answer to your question, all equipment benefits from good power, low noise power supplies.