Doe you enjoy your listening to music and your system more with others or alone?

It’s no doubt that us as Audiophiles spend a lot of time listening to music by ourselves. It’s just the way
it’s, a hobby most others don’t understand. So do we prefer to listen by ourselves or is it more enjoyable 
with others? For myself, I generally enjoy listening by myself. Usually when another Audiophile friend is over listening it becomes more about the sound ( system ) than the music. Also, they only want to hear
music that brings out the best in the system and for myself let’s just listen to what’s playing. 
Non-Audiophiles tend to get bored easily if they don’t like the music, and can be even more picky about
what music you play for them. Non-Audiophiles put no value in the sound. They only want to hear their favorite music and that can be even more frustrating. At least acknowledge it ( sound ) even if you can’t hear the difference.
For myself it’s more enjoyable alone, but that doesn’t mean all the time, or does it?


Showing 5 responses by mahgister

When friends show up I usually put on something we’re both familiar with. Then we discuss what’s new sound wise. That’s not difficult since they’re imaginary friends. 🤗 🤗
I hope I was there with the other imaginary friends....But if I was there why i dont remember it at all?

Except for the amazing effect my "mad scientist lair" AKA audio room had on children and adult, I dont think it is very satisfying to listen music with others except in exceptional moment indeed with exceptional friend...

Listening music is very intimate experience akin to making love and i dont invite spectators or participants....

For sure music can be for dancing and feasting and drinking....But that exclude much of the music I listen to.... And I prefer to be with one  friend at a time or alone.... 
My guests are not so much impressed by the sound, even if it is good, but way much by all the tweaks and methods used, like in a mad scientist lair.... Their incredulous smile makes my day....