Dodson MkII D....Can't be THAT good....right ?

I am in the market for a new to used DAC to go with a CEC TL-1X transport....and in ''certian circles'' this seems to be a DAC that people recommend. I've read about it in the magazines and as usual , ''this is the best, second to none at any price''...blah, blah, blah.....don't believe all that much in magazine or reviewers hype ! I know that I will get responses from people who have bought this piece...and thank you....but I would also like to hear form people who have not bouight it any why and what they eventually did buy ! Can it be that good of a DAC ?....and why then isn't it more popular ?

Showing 1 response by rx8man

Jkphoto and Hi5harry, You guys are right-on,
CEC + Audio Logic = musical magic !