Dodson DA-217 vs. Theta Pro Basic IIIa??

Hey guys!

Out of the two, which would you recommend? I have an opportunity to trade my Pro Basic IIIa towards a Dodson DA-217....should I try it? I've heard the DA-217 was a little sharp sounding, and somewhat bright; and very ruthless in it's presentation.

Any help on my decision would be great!!


Showing 1 response by jfz

Mikesinger - I don't mean to be critical, but without specifics about which iteration of the Dodson you were listening to, such comparisons are pretty meaningless, at least to readers such as myself. I imagine there is some truth in what you say you about the latest generation of inexpensive processors. It's important to note that the Dodsons have been significantly improved over the years as well, however.