Dodd PreAmp batteries not charging

Please help, my Dodd pre received new batteries last year which powered my preamp nearly all day long, now the batteries only last about 20 to 30 minutes. I exchanged chargers with a Dodd phono pre but without any results. Could the batteries need replacing this soon? I usually listen to my system 5 hours. Week. Any input is appreciated 



Try reaching out to Danny at GR Research. Gary Dodd was a personal friend of Danny. He may be able to give you some direction on how to fix your problem.

I am having a problem with my Dodd preamp. When I set the selector to Bat2 it works fine. When I turn the selector to Bat1, it does not work.  The batteries all test about 13.7 volts. I've checked all of the connections and they seem fine. Any help would be much appreciated. They name of someone that works on these would also be appreciated.  

You may try contacting this guy. It seems he’s got experience, regarding the batteries and chargers, that work in your pre: Perhaps one of his, "Ultracapacitor" supplies can work in your application. Here’s another, much earlier, thread on the subject: