Do you use a Subwoofer when listening to stereo?

I thought using a 12 inch b&w asw 2000 sub would b good to allow my b&w 804 d3’s to better handle freq above 80 hz (ie. benefit from sharing burden).  I am not sure this is prudent as my well powered 804s can probably handle those lower frequencies just fine, and may make them sound better vs cutting them off from flowing thru the 804s.
My Stereo listening is done by streaming thru a nucleus connected via usb to a chord Hugo tt2 and then to a marantz 5014 via coaxial, then to a McIntosh mc255 and then off to speakers referred to above

 Does excluding sub from stereo make sense?

Showing 1 response by tuberculin

I would dearly love to get a Swarm as @atmosphere suggests. I’ll have to move to a larger room. I barely have room for my stereo pair and to walk but they did wonders for the low end once I had them adjusted to perfection.
I thought I could do without a sub, then after reading and watching the videos of Jim Smith's "Get Better Sound" and then speaking with Jim for advice I became convinced that I should have subs. Two is better than one and four or more is even better.