Do you think you need a subwoofer?

Why almost any one needs subwoofers in their audio systems?

I talk with my audio friends about and each one give me different answers, from: I don't need it, to : I love that.

Some of you use subwoofers and many do in the speakers forum and everywhere.

The question is: why we need subwoofers ? or don't?

My experience tell me that this subwoofers subject is a critical point in the music/sound reproduction in home audio systems.

What do you think?
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Showing 8 responses by gregadd

yes most people need subwoofer. ironically it should be removed from the system unlees you can truly identify that your source has low frequency information that requires it. your crossover can act as low pass filter. this takes the strain of your main amp and main provides an improvement like you will not beleive.
For further aggravations See,
"Dear Gregadd: Its curious t, the Harman International research on subs that is named in your link is the same that I posted ( I'm only take a high-light on a 30+ white paer pages. If I remember that reference was posted by Scott. )."

Raul. Um...actually I stole the link form Oneobgyn in the setup of his JL Audio Gotham subs.

I guess great minds think alike. My experience is that two subs are better. I lived with one sub and then two. Two subs are better. I don't know why.
I think Sirspeddy proves the point. A mini monitor is going down to 31hz(I'd like to see that frequency curve.i.e. how many db down?)? That little woofer/midrange driver must be "exhausted."
Indeed the coloration it would cast on the rest of its duties will be significant.
I remember when I ran my ML CLS full range. That big panel could bee seen moving back and forth trying to reduce bass notes. With subs it barely can be seen moving at all.

As for defying the laws of physics. Not yet. At least not in my living room.
Big speakers need love to Raul.
Look at Oneobgyn. He's got he big Wilson's and the big JL Gothams. I bet there is unbelievable ease to his system.
As usual Raul you are not without an good opinion. Dragging us kicking and screaming to better sound.

My point was just because you have a big expensive full range speaker does not mean you don't need subs.
As for what the crossover point should be and whether Jl or Velodyne is the proper sub I'll leave that fight between you and the Doc. I'm in enough controversy.
"...Maggies are down about 3dB at about 30Hz..."

So why xover @30 hz. That gives you suck out in that region.
if you plot a curve most speakers neither drop of a cliff nor jump on the cliff.
At some point they began to roll off. Especially if you are talking about a xover. So they will start to roll off at say 60hz. There would be a decreasing slope all the way to 30 hz. The subs xover in my opinion should kick in @ 60hz and slowly rise to where it takes over completely. A brick wall approach either means the sub kicks in to early or too late. From the response curves I've seen, this is a better approach.
When I used The CLS they were 3db down at about 40hz. Sometime it is difficult to tell because manufacturers don't tell the truth. With exception of Stereophile, reviewers don't measure. Too make matters worse measurements are done in anechoic chamber which can't measure the response in your room. Thus the nonadjustable xover point of the Janis was 100 hz. Most of the xocer slopes are in the 6db/octave,12db/octave or 18db/octave. 6 being considered very gentle with 18 being very steep. It depends on the design philosophy of you speaker.

if you check the Stereophile review of your speaker there is probably an example of the xover and how it rolls off. I admire those who can adjust speakers by ear. I bet that using a spectrum analyzer in yuor room reveal they are not exactly right.
The aerial sw-12 takes a correct approach. While not cheap (approximately $10k)offers a variety of slopes up to 24 db/octave. It is flat to at least 2Hz and allows a maximum cut in of 100Hz. Thus it will mate well with mini-monitors.It also offers a variety of beautiful finishes for those who are turned off by black cubes. If you like black, you can get that too.