Do You Remember Your First CD Player?

I had owned the first of the first. I purchased the unit in 1982. It was a Sony CDP 101. It was the most obnoxious, raspy, annoying, piercing, grading, non-musical component I had ever heard.

Also, at the time, the complete CD library that was available consisted of about 15 CDs.

Now? I listen to my newest CD rig more than I listen to my turntable. My, how times have changed.

What was your first CD player and when did you purchase it?

Showing 1 response by tfkaudio

NEC CD607E purchased in 1983. I remember playing it and trying so hard to convince myself that this was better than my records (because "they" told me it was). I didn't realize it until many years later, but that player gradually turned me off of music. By 1994 when that player finally failed I virtually never listened to music in the home and had sold most of my cd's. (The turntable was long gone, too). I got no enjoyment from it. Luckily I still listened to live music, and when I began regularly attending Chicago Symphony Orchestra concerts in the late '90s I decided that I'd like to have a small library of classical music and I gave recorded music another shot, and now I've got something I can listen to and enjoy. Thankfully.