Do you remember when Audiogon was just a bulletin board classified ad site?

I wonder if anyone else remembers Audiogon from 15+ years ago. I remember visiting the site daily scrolling through all the listings. Back then posting was free and you had an endless number of ads.  It had as many used audio listings as Ebay. I can remember buying a Paradigm CC-200 and also a pair of Paradigm ADP-150's  back around 1999. Those were my first two purchases. How about you?

Showing 2 responses by sbank

Yes Brad, I also subscribed to Audio Mart and remembering waiting for that beautiful 3pt font pub to hit my mailbox. Back then it was the insiders access to all the gear traded in to most of the top dealers in the country at great prices.
I guess advertisers get more exposure on the 'gon nowadays, but I find the tirekickers, rude lowballers, non-response sellers, and buyers who commit on LPs then don't pay after clicking "buy" all make transactions more aggravating then ever lately. 
Back when 'gon was a smaller community it seems that everyone appreciated as much and valued their reputations more than now. 
We've all gotta have thick skin I guess...Cheers,
TWL was my fav. Tom's contributions led me to dive back deeply into vinyl. He gave so much assistance to vinyl lovers, a true gem. I was very sad when he chose to stop spending time here. Cheers,