Do you really need ultra expensive cables?

I was always told that you need to spend about 30-40% overall budget on cables to have good sounds. To some equiqment manufractures, that is not the case.

For those of you who visited McIntosh at HE 2003. What do you think about their Stereo set-up? Do you reallized that they spend less than 3% on cables? Not that they can't afford them. But their arguement was that if your equiqments are so nice, and so musical, why do you have to depends on cables to improve sounds. What do you think of that?


Showing 1 response by darrylhifi

IMO. Cables can make a difference good and bad . Before laying out big bucks on cables make sure you have the front end , amp , and speakers you really want. Then once you do, experimenting with cables can be interesting, especially here on the gon where you can pretty much buy and sell used , with very little money lost on the switching, until you find sonic nirvana . But my point is get the equipment you really want 1st, save the cable money for the end.