Do You Play Or Save Your Best Cartridges

I suspect I am like many here, I have a small collection of cartridges. Until recently I would keep a casual playing cartridge set up and I would save my "good" cartridges for evening listening sessions where I am focusing on listening to music at the listening chair. I always had a casual cartridge mounted on an arm, maybe an Audio Technica OC9 III or something along those lines. These days its either an Ortofon MC3000 II or MC5000. 


Earlier this year I finally decided to use the DAC in my Trinov pre amp, and this involved getting a subscription to Roon, and hardwiring the computer and preamp to the router with CAT 6 ethernet cable. The sound is remarkably good, to the point where this can easily be my casual listening format. 

I almost wonder if its necessary to have a casual cartridge. Or should I just play my best ones as often as I want and bite the bullet and know I am getting a new diamond fitted every few years. 


Anyone else go through this kind of decision process?


Showing 2 responses by wolfie62

this is a new level of insanity. Why don't you guys put the cartridge in a glass safe and watch it. You can play the song in your head :)

I have more than 150 vintage cartridges, 1955-2021. Every cartridge presents a different sonic signature, different compromises, different qualities of detail, imaging, speed, FR, focus, clarity, etc. Every cartridge does. I change cartridges 2-3 times per day. It’s doubtful that I’ll wear out any styli in my lifetime.

I enjoy listening to mono records on a 1957 GE VRII. Maybe a few stereo records on a GE VR1000. Perhaps a Grado. Maybe an Empire 108, or Pickering U38. Maybe a Shure M44, or M95, or M97 Era IV. Maybe a V15V-MR, or V15VxMR. Maybe an Empire EDR.9. Might go to the ADC Astrion or XLM MKI, or ZLM MKIII. Maybe a Koetsu Rosewood. Maybe a Dynavector. Or go to a Pickering V-15, or XV15 1200E. Or a Stanton 681EEE. Maybe an Ortofon SuperOM 40. Maybe an AT 12XE. 

I find value and great enjoyment listening to the different sonic signatures. Same for turntables. Swapping out a Denon DP52F for a Garrard Zero 100. Or a 1963 Garrard AT6 changer. Or a 1976 Garrard GT55. Or a Linn Sondek LP12. Or a JVC QL Y7F. 

Since I work from home, I may put a stack of 6 LPs on the Zero 100, with the ADC XLM MKIII and let them play. 

Or switch to a 1962 Weathers 66 and play using the Weathers LDM cartridge. 

Every one is a gem in its own right. There is no “best.” Just a different mix of compromises. Like swapping out DACs.

and you must be some genius or cyborg if you can handle 150 cartridges in your head with distinct info about their sound.


They’re a lot like children. You just don’t forget their sound. So I guess I’m a genius, since I’m not a cyborg. Was listening to a JVC Z-1 with original beryllium canti and nude MR stylus earlier. Listening now to the M97HE with original HE stylus now. M95ED before those. Each one has a lot to love! But my favorite MM cart is not my Grace F-9E. It’s the 1970 ADC 10E MKIV. Amazing imaging I don’t get from the Koetsu or Dynavector. Retipped with a boron canti and nude MR stylus. Tracks at 0.75 grams. It’s a singular best cartridge.