Do you plan to buy The Beatles CD remasters?

And if so, will you be going for the stereo or the mono? The release is close enough now -- 09/09/09 -- that I'm starting to get pretty excited about this -- though I'm really not sure which to get. Maybe both? Nah, that would be awfully excessive, wouldn't it? But, we are talking about The Beatles, after all, so maybe ...
What are your thoughts?

Showing 2 responses by dgordonl

NO..I too have all the beatles vinyl from my youth in the 60's and all only played once..
As Vanila Ice said (Just Dupe It)if needed to CD
Of course if you don't have all the original Vinyl then it would be a go.
Thank You hit the nail on the head,I didn't want to get into that negative something mentality.

Hey Fenderny!!!What Daverz said....and up yours and the music you listen to....

We had a lot of cool (up yours sayings) in the 60's...

WOW!!I just had a rush about heading to Woodstock in 1969 in my 63 Ford Falcon...AAAAAAAH the 60's!!