Do you own Dunlavy SC-IV's AND a yardstick ???

If you do, could you PLEASE do me a favor ? I need to know some info for a project that my brother and i are working on.

We would like to know the following info:

What is the distance from the floor to the appr center of the tweeter ?

What is the distance from the appr center of the tweeter to the appr center of the mids ?

What is the distance from the appr center of the tweeter to the appr center of the woofers ?

I am assuming that the distance from the tweeter to the top woofer is identical to that of the lower woofer. If it isn't, how much are they offset by ?

If we can get this information, it will get us in the ballpark and we can "fine tune" for our specific situation from there. I would be greatly obliged to anyone that can provide me with close measurements. All i ask is that you be VERY careful when taking these measurements. Sean

Showing 1 response by jadem6

Sean, I have my IVa speakers without the original bases set on Arios pros and BDR pucks 2 1/8" off the floor, my tweeter is 37" off the floor.