Do you indulge when listening to your rig?

I was curious how many audiophiles have a glass of wine or beer when listening to their system. I myself on occasions have done this with excellent results, although it's not a habit. If you were going to have a serious listening session would you, or would not have a drink. Thanks for viewing this thread!

Showing 8 responses by isochronism

Yes, some evenings a couple of Guinness Extra Stouts (the original) does seem to mesh me with the music even more. Once in a while a nice red wine substitutes.
Mapman, I FULLY agree with cutting out the sugar and junk stuff, etc. A red wine or two (three) is a healthy thing IMO. You may even post more with a couple under your belt, and we'll enjoy em' just fine :)
(The dried bread has hallucinogenic mold spores) Syntax doesn't realize. sshhh
We can tell by his postings :)
If you find a source for green coffee beans, small home consumer roasters are available. It takes within ten minutes to roast a days amount. (I love good coffee:)
Albert, That sounds like a REALLY great, enjoyable ritual! And, I am sure that even your whole group's intake of Mexican food's after effects can nowhere near overpower your (fine) system in decibels... HA :)
Wolf, Narcissistic and Audiophilistic tendencies can never coexist peacefully.
It is a constant struggle...