Do you indulge when listening to your rig?

I was curious how many audiophiles have a glass of wine or beer when listening to their system. I myself on occasions have done this with excellent results, although it's not a habit. If you were going to have a serious listening session would you, or would not have a drink. Thanks for viewing this thread!

Showing 7 responses by albertporter

Beer or red wine with dinner is typical and if music follows the combo is great.

If no alcohol at dinner then single malt scotch is my favorite. I drink it straight up, no ice and no water and limit to a small amount in a proper whiskey glass.
09-24-13: Phd
Albertporter thanks for your response as well as others.
Yes thanks to all. It's fun reading what each of us like beyond audio.

The guys (and girls) here in my area know each others preferences. I always keep candy, scotch, wine or whatever on hand to share while listening.

We laugh a lot too, which is good medicine and maybe as important to our health as the music.
I have a Technivorm also, a Black Moccamaster KBT-741. It's a great machine but a mess to deal with. Lately I've been enjoying the convenience of our Keurig and guests love it.

The Keurig makes green tea almost instantly for enjoying while watching news and it's also great for quick coffee, especially when there is only time for one cup.

I have a dozen types of K cup coffee and brew with bottled spring water. When guests come for music like tonight, they can choose whatever appeals to them. Starbucks, Green Mountain, Barista Prima, Emerils and Newmans Organics for example.

The best part, nothing to clean up and no waisted coffee. Sometimes on music night I would brew a pot, a couple of people pour a cup and the rest went down the drain.
For my coffee consumption, I use a 42 ounce Frieling French Press. I hand grind Jamaican Blue Mountain beans in a Kyocera CM-50

French press is indeed better than most automatic coffee makers. My son has several of them and demonstrated what each offers. The Kyocera is interesting. After trying multiple hand and electric grinders I settled on this: Kitchen Aid Pro

Too many people drinking too much bad coffee.
That can be said of beer, scotch and wine as well :^)
Wolf you are cracking me up on this thread.

Thanks, I needed that after all the political mess on the news.
Our Tuesday night music session begins with dinner at Matt's Ranchero Martinez in Lakewood section of Dallas, not far from my home.

To avoid getting our car doors nicked we park across the street at:
The Coffee Company

Premium coffee beans in huge sacks line the entry way by the front of the store. An antique looking German coffee roasting machine is roasting when I stop before dinner for a bag or two. My current favorites are Monsoon Malibar and Kenya AA but truthfully, all their coffee is excellent.
"Bean Freaks Hijack Audio Thread." Details at 11.

Thankfully it's coffee beans and not Fava beans. I need my liver.