Do you have a secret "guilty pleasure" recording?

You know...a recording that you would never play for anyone else because you are afraid they would think your nuts and snicker. I'll go ahead and admit mine - "The Carpenters Greatest Hits." Now stop that! I bet you have a guilty pleasure recording. What is it?

Showing 4 responses by roseofsa

I'll have to admit a taste for 'sunshine pop' One of my island discs is Spanky and our Gang 'Like to get to know you' Also love Donovan "Gift from a flower to a garden' and for a little more class, 'Nat Cole sings, George Shearing plays'
Someone mentioned Four Freshmen. I really dig them. Does anyone like a 4 voice vocal group 'The Free Design?' Also 'Supersax'? I really like Mel Torme. He's a lot better than that blue eyed jerk from Hoboken.

Thanks Schubert. And Ive heard that story about the Freshmen too.
Here's another one of my faves which will give away my age....
Jo Stafford.
And if anyone is still of my ultimate faves is 'Nat Cole sings, George Shearing plays'.
I was a top 40 radio DJ in the seventies, which meant I developed a tolerance for bubblegum and breeze pop music. Also classic 'tear in your beer' country. I learned to appreciate those songs as three minute soap operas.
I won't bore you with details of my Norman Luboff choir records...or Anita Kerr library, and certainly not 'the rain the park and other things'.
Happy listening, Everybody 

PS...don't forget Jo Stafford and Noel Coward