Do you have a secret "guilty pleasure" recording?

You know...a recording that you would never play for anyone else because you are afraid they would think your nuts and snicker. I'll go ahead and admit mine - "The Carpenters Greatest Hits." Now stop that! I bet you have a guilty pleasure recording. What is it?

Showing 2 responses by harold-not-the-barrel

ASIA, the 2 first albums are the very best the utterly dull 80´s produced. In everything. John Wetton is a genius. And Carl Palmer rock´s best drummer, still is. Period.
ABBA is the best pop music ever produced, Agnetha & Frida has one of the best singing harmonies in pop history, if not the best. ABBA is tasteful, very melodic & fun music, and very professional in everything really. I honestly can´t imagine better (simple) and honest pop music. Their approach and attitude is the most positive in the business. They surpassed Beatles IMHO. Musically I mean. The happiest pop act, and a huge influence to so many. The best thing is they come from non-English speaking country but their English is perfect. They are perfect.

Karen Carpenter´s voice is incredibly strong and very beautiful, I really love dark female voices, Cher´s too.

I never was embarrassed about ABBA. And all loved them here, boys and girls, young and old. They were hugely popular, much more than Beatles ever were. In 1976 I loved both ABBA and BÖC. And early URIAH HEEP, of course. Still do.

I may mention another very positive and happy pop band lead by a lovely blonde girl... What that band might be ? Hint: they came from one English speaking country and from the 70´s...