Do you ever wonder?

Do you ever wonder why some artists (individuals or groups) attain success through critical acclaim and/or record (cd) sales?

Here is my list of those who have made it in the recording/entertainment industries and is completely puzzling to me.

Please list your own; it's irrelevant what you think of mine.

OK, here you go (in no particular order):

Sheryl Crow
Norah Jones
Michael Bolton
Celine Dion
Joe Cocker
Manhattan Transfer
Rickie Lee Jones
Phil Collins

That's enough to get started; show me what you got.

Showing 3 responses by karelfd

Thought of two more brilliant bands and sure hope I can get rid of the instant headache: Stryper and Mötley Crüe, different "messages" (lol) and yet so very much alike in their utter expendability
Probably just about everything that creeps into the hit parades although, in honesty, I can't be sure of that anymore ever since the likes of Atomic Kitten, Black Eyed Peas, actually forced me (physical pain, I swear) to quit listening to the radio about 4 years ago.

Apart from those two, Celine Dion, Sheryl Crow and Phil Collins score high on my own List Of Dread too, the latter in spite of the fact that from the 1st album to "The Lamb" I used to be a Genesis aficionado (after that count me out).

And then there is the wonderful Jennifer Lopez (listed with a bullet!), Alanis Morissette, Europe, Poison and Kiss (wonder if these clowns ever figured out what the S-runes actually stand for)

I'm sure I'll think of some more mega stars once I hit "submit"
Absolutely agree with Bill. Cream appears to be a special case, anyway. Look at (or rather listen to) Jack Bruce's solo albums and Ginger Baker's projects too (in diminishing order of popularity, sadly)