Do you care about the LOOK???

I know most would say no. For myself, YES, I do. If the designer doesn't have a taste, you can tell from the outlook of the gears.
The built and look of an audio piece should be well-built, elegant, just like a "rolex" or a piece of jewelry...
Agree or not? Tell me....
I can say I definitely care about looks. For instance, I myself don't care for the way Naim products look so I have never gone out of my way to listen to them. I might be selling myself short on some good sounding stuff but I've found enough that is both visually appealing and musically appealing to be happy.

I do tend to go with things that don't look as if the whole budget was blown on the Knobs and casework........ then again I don't like the Niam catagory cause they're plastic. I guess I'm in the middle on well built looks that mean business.

no, only performance matters- the fact that I have considered the Mauve coloured Wyetech Topaz amp for our living room says something :-) Wife doesn't care- "it's ALL ugly" (and I'm paraphrasing) Having said all this, when you have a new baby in the house, limiting factors such as safety can not be avoided...
Damn right I do but only for certain gear. Mains/Center speakers and their respective amps are very important.
Pre-pro and CD players are moderately so. Projectors, surrounds, surround amps, switchers, DVD players, cables, tuners, etc are not important.

I like my electronics and speakers visible in open racks and amp stands so design is important to me.

JM Lab's new Electras are the most gorgeous speakers right now. I'm sure they sound beautiful too. My wallet diagrees though :)
A definite "YES".

I will never consider buying an item if the look is not up to my expectation.

Just imagine that u're spending your time relaxing, listening & at the same time appreciating a beautiful pair of speaker, same apply to equipment.
I have broken through the "matched black box barrier"--looks matter & some good designers realize that.