
Responses from bingschming

Do you care about the LOOK???
Damn right I do but only for certain gear. Mains/Center speakers and their respective amps are very important. Pre-pro and CD players are moderately so. Projectors, surrounds, surround amps, switchers, DVD players, cables, tuners, etc are not impo... 
Problems with shipping to Canada
I'm Canadian and I've dealt with Americans from both buying and selling end of the deals. I've only had positive experiences with Fedex Ground and UPS Ground. Yes, brokerage fees are stupid but what can you do. Please don't black ball me! I have p... 
Arcam FMJ-33 vs. Ayre CX-7
I wonder how the Musical Fidelity A308CR stack up to the CX-7. The MF should be below your budget also,