Do you admit that you ever enjoyed listening to:

Do you ever admit to your audiophile friends that you at one time enjoyed listening to:
- Bread
- Seals and Croft
- Bee Gees
-Dan Fogleberg?

Showing 6 responses by ghosthouse

Really like Fogelberg's "Netherlands".  It contains some very strong songs.

@gonetotc - Add "Abba" to your list.  I'll 'fess up to them too.

Yeah.  Liked 'em and still do.   So what? and what's it to ya?! :-)

Not everything they ever did, of course.

By the way, re Bee Gees, not the Saturday Night Fever stuff but way earlier...Odessa.  They were more of a Prog Band back then.  Talking late '60s/early '70s.  

Hey - at least I never went for Michael Jackson.  (That oughta raise a few eyebrows.  Too bad.)
@czarivey - I agree with you about Quincy and the quality of the MJ recordings.  Highly polished, excellent "product"...BUT (recognizing the irony here) for me, it ain't got no soul!  Lack of a shared cultural experience, maybe.  

@gonetotc - I really wasn't offended and do think I get where you are coming from starting the thread.  Kind of fun from that perspective especially given good dissenting commentary.  A couple of worthy suggestions made already for addition (Abba and Kenny Loggins).  How about Neil Diamond?  Barry Manilow?

@Sevs - re MJ, always nice to have comrades.  Never downloaded Lady Gaga or Kanye.  Would be worried about an emergency laundry drill myself.  Barry Manilow is another like that for me (though I remember liking "Mandy" when it was getting AM airplay but don't tell anyone).

re Lady Gag Me - Avoid her in general and specifically during the SuperBowl.  Although, my wife (whose opinion I respect), based on that appearance, says she's got some pipes..."She's like Madonna (read: talent for self-promotion) but can really sing."  Hmmm...maybe add Madonna to the list.   

Ha...picked up on that nutty.  NO apology necessary.  Was just spouting off my O-pinion.  Be a pretty boring world if we all liked the same stuff.  Don't hold you in any lower esteem 'cause of it either - you post way too much good stuff on your "what's playing" thread.  

Good call on Carpenters, vindanpar.  

They're right in the spirit of gonetotc's thread.

Superstar was another good one from them.
Great post, pokey...even if I can’t quite cotton to Prefuse! Good insight about musical tastes defining us and the limitations of that.