Do Vandy subs benefit from better cables?


I'm the proud owner of a pair of bouncing baby Vandersteen 2wq subwoofers. Love 'em, and love what they do for the system.

Currently, I'm using the stock speaker cable that came with the 2wq, between the amp and the subwoofer.

Would the 2wq benefit greatly from having upgraded speaker cables? I thought I read somewhere that because of the nature of the signal, it really wouldn't matter much.

And yet, everywhere else it seems that improved cables make a big difference.


Showing 3 responses by rhanson739

The speaker cable provided by Vandersteen seems rather light. At least the sub has a fixed power cord, so I won't have to trial and error the PCs.
Thanks, Almarg. I believe that was the explanation that I first heard. I was speaking with my audio dealer guy yesterday, and when I asked how much of a difference better cable would make, he said, "Ehh, not much."

Evidently, the cable supplied by Vandersteen seems light, but is of very good quality.
Thanks, Timo62.

I'm still working on the placement. That said, the cable is way longer than I need, so I may cut it down today, still leaving room for a variety of placements.

Can't spike yet until I know where they're going.

And I got the M5-HP crossovers at the beginning. I didn't even try the stock crossover, although I did try the setting above and below the input impedance of the amp.