Do tube CD players and tube pre-amps play nice?

Should I stay away from CDPs and mods to CDPS that use tubes, or would that be OK with a unit such us a Belles 21A pre? I am currently looking for a used CDP $1000-$1500 US. I'll read a great review on a Cary, a Jolida, or a great mod to a Denon 2900 just to find out it uses tubes.

I'm using tubes everywhere, and they make fabulous music together - a tubed Audio Note DAC, a tubed Audience preamp, and 300B amps. There's no such thing as too many tubes or too much music...
Isn't warmer, deeper, and bigger synonymous with "tubey".
Ok, OK, you caught me, I am a tube fan. :)
I started with a tube amp (CJ MV60)... all else was SS... Added a tube preamp (CJ PV14L) and finally a tube CDP shanling t100.. I kept thinking that the next step would make it too tuby... it never happened for me the sound just got warmer, deeper, and bigger. I kept thinking that the bass would get dull and the image would suffer... I never detected any downside.
I am using a Granite Audio CDP with a tube output along with a Hovland preamp and find they make a great pair. What is nice about the Granite Audio CDP is that you can bypass the tube output and use it as a ss cdp if you want. It also can be used straight into your amp without a pre should you wish, something I personally wouldn't do.
I've used my BAT CD Player that has six 7308 tubes in it with the 21A that I used to own, going into a pair of ASL Hurricanes. Worked out wonderfully!
Physically/electrically there shouldn't be any problem. Sonically it's your call. I know people with all tubes, with tubes in just one component (be it the CDP/T, DAC, Pre, or Amp), and all combinations in between.
it's a matter of taste. if you don't like the tube sound, there are
plenty of people who mod those players with solid state. your choice.