Do they make Speakers For Rap/Rock

It seems that from all the discussions and reveiws, I have read that 99% of the speakers that are reveiwed are done with Classical, opera, jazz or other like music. My question is; Do any of the high end speaker manufacturers make audiophile speakers that are designed for the Rap, Hip-hop, hard rock, loud volume listener???

Showing 1 response by french_fries

a long time back a dealer really cranked up a pair of B&W 802 matrix speakers proclaiming that you "couldn't blow them".
i'm glad he was willing to take a chance like that with the store's inventory rather than my stereo... anyway, they didn't display any strain that i could hear, and this was definitely at "rock party" levels. RAP music however is so percussive that i can't render an opinion. if you can get a pair of 801/802 with the apoc protection circuit in the crossover which will save the tweeter under studio-monitor conditions, and you can still get driver replacements, they are tough to beat, and they do mozart too. so imho get two pairs of 801's and pretend you're at a concert...