Do they make a quiet great sounding phono pre amp??

Hi, I have purchased and listened to 3 phono preamps which are: A musical surroundings phonomena, musical surroundings Nova II, and a Manley labs Chinook. The Manely labs Chinook is by far bettter sounding then the first two (double the cost too). But, All three have given me nothing but trouble (noise,noise,noise even terrible clipped signals!), and 2 of them basically failed on me. So before I go DIGITAL, can someone please tell me who makes a phono preamp in the $2,000-$3,000 range (tube or solid state) that I can rely on, and sounds as good or better than the Chinook?? Thanks.

Matt M                                             
@mechans , many manufacturers do not post list prices on their websites. If you are interested, contact Mehran at Sorasound, he is a Klyne dealer.
Yes, the Klyne website hasn't changed in the 12+ years that I've been looking at it.

I would guess the top phono stage would go for about $7500-$9000 list.
I had the top level 7PX5.0 preamp roughly 9-10 years ago, and it's list at the time was $5500 if my memory is correct. Great phono stage, one of the pieces I regret selling.
I'm currently in this market as well. I'm very interested in the K&K Audio Maxxed-Out. No one has mentioned Ray Samuels Emmeline XR-10B. I've read the reviews. Anyone here have knowledge of these two preamps in their system?
Zesto Andros 1.2 is ultra quite and wonderful sounding.  I would highly suggest looking into it 

Do you have a record cleaning machine?  I tried cleaning by hand and all I got was noise.  Was going to give up until I got a OKI NOKKI.

Also, the cartridge matters.  Some are more quiet than others.

I think it would be hard to beat the AudiaFlight Phono, can deal with low output MC without transformer, quiet, absolute pleasure.