Do Silver Cables Hurt Bass?

Hi, I don't have any silver cables in my system, but I seem to remember reading silver cables do a great job in the highs and mids but fall short in the bass. In practice is this the case? Do silver speaker cables or interconnects hurt the bass? The only thing I can attribute to this is that siver cables tend to be a thinner gauge wire and thus do a worse job of transmitting bass information. What are other people experience?

Showing 1 response by khrys

Between 2 cables of the same gauge and construction geometry, one being silver and one high purity copper the silver cable will have lower resistance (ohms/ft) and therefore better damping with the amplifier so it will have better bass. If the gauge of the silver wire is thinner than the copper then the inherently lower resistance of the material can be overcome by the higher resistance of the thinner geometry and it will have less bass. As with Solid-State vs. Tubes the differences between silver and copper cables are starting to blur. By all means listen for yourself.