Do "gold" discs sound better?

I know HDCD, DVD-A, and SACD sound superior to the standard CD but how much better, if any, are the gold discs or the other "fancy" discs? Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by garfish

Hi Steve; I have several gold CDs, and 3-4 where I also have the standard version. The gold CCR Chronicles CDs, may sound a little smoother, but the difference is by no means dramatic. On balance, I've always thought that the gold ones were less fatiguing in long listening sessions.

Muddy Water's "The Healer" is a very good gold CD, but I don't know if there is a standard version of it. I personally think that the care and technique used in mastering of CDs is much more important than whether they are gold or aluminum discs.

The really good CCR CDs though are the recently re-mastered ones (all 8 originals have been done) using the JVC's K2 20 bit Super Coding system. These are clearly superior to the standard CDs or the gold ones. Cheers. Craig.
Mac; you are correct, "The Healer" (gold CD) is by the great John Lee Hooker-- my apologies, and especially to JLH. His duet with Bonnie Raitt "I'm in the Mood" is dyno-supreme. Of course the Muddy Waters disc I had it confused with is "Folksinger"-- an excellent gold CD in its own right-- been having more "senior moments" lately. Thanks. Craig