Do Pangea PC's really outperform standard PC's

The question is how much do you have to spend to outperform the included PC cords supplied with most components.

I ask because I just bought a Pangea AC14SEII PC for $50.00 Supposedly this model services only auxiliary components, like CD player's; DAC's; phono boxes or pre-amp etc. BTW,They also introduced a AC-9MKSEII power amp cord for sale price of 150.00 for I meter.

Six years ago, I purchased an Acoustic Zen Tsumani Plus PC which I use with my integrated amp. In all truth, I am not sure if this cable really mades a difference in the sound in terms of a quieter or blacker background. Do you have to spend $600-1000 for a PC that truly lowers the noise floor. I paid about $200 for the used/mint AZ Tsumani Plus PC

Showing 1 response by audioconnection

(((In all truth, I am not sure if this cable really made a difference in the sound in terms of a quieter or blacker background.))

I agree
I find most cords make things darker and after six months
we pop in the stock cord and say wow this sounds just fine.
Just had a lady with Quicksilver mono's thank me many times over for telling her to remove her Shunyata Box and plug in direct hence all the life in the system came back.
Sometimes if it aint broke don't fix it
Audio Connection Dealer