Do old Acoustats compete with new 'stats or dynamics

I listened to a pair of Acoustat X's driven by their Servo Tube Amp, Audio Research SP-3A-1 preamp, Micro Seiki table with totl Signet cart and it was a captivating presentation that started me on the road of High End Audio. Will the newer Acoustat models through the Spectra series still compete or hold their own against newer speaker designs? I am talking about soundstaging, imaging precision, frequency balance and overall impact. 

Showing 1 response by mofimadness

I was an Acoustat dealer from almost the beginning to the very end of the company. Sold and setup quite a few pairs and personally owned almost every model. Jim, (Strickland) and I became very good friends.

There was never a 3+3 or a 4+4. They were called the Model 6 and Model 8.

I found a pair of pretty trashed 2+2’s in a barn a couple of years ago and bought them for almost nothing. Fortunately just the cosmetics were bad. I rebuilt them, modified and updated the interfaces, replaced the bases and grill cloth and they are STUNNING! Look absolutely like brand new speakers and sound better than new.

So, IMHO, you can get fantastic sound out of the old girls. BTW, I also have Martin Logan CLSIIA’s and Magnepan 3.7i to compare them to. All of these are excellent in their own way, but I find myself enamored by the Acoustats.

Here is a link to almost any and all questions/answers you might have. A BIG THANKS to Andy Szabo for hosting this link. He is the "Acoustat Answer Man"...