I admit, I fell for a scammer from Thailand, even though I was warned. It just was that it took forever to sell my Stealth cables at a give away price. These cables are awesome, but evidently not popular in the USA. I refused to send the cables to the buyer because he wanted me to declare the value at $30 USD for custom fees. So he had me direct the shipment to his friend in SoCal. Now, after UPS (and I insured the cables for $4,000 to save on shipping-my fault) delivered the package, the buyer says his friend did not sign and receive the cables! Just be aware A-Gon members, and don't be foolish like me.

Showing 1 response by folkfreak

While I commiserate with your experience I'm not sure you should write off a whole country. Asking for a mis-declaration of shipping value and/or shipping to a US third party are par for the course in many overseas transactions

Rather than blocking a whole country (or for that part continent) a better policy may be in future to state your overseas shipping terms i.e. "customs value will be declared at the price sold and no third party shipping"

And if UPS have a record of a signature (no matter who signed) then as far as you are concerned the cables were delivered -- I believe AudioGon (and PayPal or whomever you received payment via and shipped with) should side with you in this regard